‘The First 800 Years’

‘The First 800 Years’

Around 100 people attended the ‘First 800 Years’ event in the Prior’s Hall of Little Malvern Court on 1st March. They heard a wide range of fascinating information about the history of Little Malvern Priory and its relationship with Worcester Cathedral since the 12th century from Dr David Morrison, Librarian and Archivist of the Cathedral, and Dr David Bryer, Cathedral Lay Canon and past Chairman of the Friends of LMP. Dr Morrison highlighted that documentary evidence indicated that the monastery at Little Malvern was founded in 1149-50, not 1127 or 1171 as suggested by other sources. Dr Bryer reminded the audience that the current church building represents only half of the original structure.

Little Malvern Court Open Day

Little Malvern Court Open Day

Over 300 people enjoyed the beautiful gardens of Little Malvern Court during the Open Day on 2 May. Many also spent time in Little Malvern Priory admiring the many stunning floral displays there and listening to organ music. They were able to note the wide range of...

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